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Certificate of Analysis

A Certificate of Analysis, or COA, helps ensure that a manufacturer’s products are made to specification and indicates the number of cannabinoids found in each product, like CBD. In addition to cannabinoids, this certificate should show details on the levels of heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, and THC found in an individual batch of products. COAs are meant to keep customers safe and informed, but they also help emphasize quality. It’s one of the reasons we are an industry leader in terms of product quality, safety, and consistency.

The Blend Soothe COA 

The Blend Restore COA

The Blend Magic GCMS Report | COA

The Blend 2.0 GCMS Report | COA

The Blend Pet Oil COACOA

The Blend Humic | COA

Non cercare di biasimarlo che non vuole sesso! Al contrario, mostra la compassione e suggerire erezione farmaci risolvere il problema insieme. Se nulla aiuta, insistere sull’affrontare un sessuologo e altri specialisti: se la radice del problema è in salute, questo non è ancora evitato di tempo.

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